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Get ready to experience something different

Our smallest and most compact MP3 player, with features you would expect in a larger software application.  Imagine a software device capable of hosting an entire network on something as small as a widget.

This ideal was inspire by our MP3 Player SE , which was integrated into our MODVO Application (version 2.3 and up). The idea of creating something different is what motivate us to build with our hand and to create with our minds.

Coming Soon…

Not only that, but 2.7.01 will introduce as a Network Player.  User will be about to streaming audio content directly from the player.  Version 2.7 will be a game changer for us.  We are excited to make this the final version of this series.

Our brand new MB-8 loudspeaker sets a standard on how loudspeakers should sound. We mean open, vibrant and a bit forwarding.  The MB-8 brings all of that in a midsize form factor.  The more we listen to this speaker, the more we keep coming back to it!  It may not have the level bass that  listeners are use to hearing from a loudspeaker this size, but the midrange is wear this speaker shines.  Finally, a sealed 8” speaker that deliverers great midrange clarity.

This monitor speaker has already set a standard for our future loudspeakers to come.  

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MODVO App 2.7.01 will give users a new way to experience audio content and software applications through a simple to use interface.  We added everything we could think of in this  interactive software application. Tons of audio players, speaker guides and of course, covers.

There must be a standard for reproducing quality sound.  This is something that we currently find ourselves saying.  We have built dozens and dozens of loudspeakers, always looking for something that sounds better.  As a loudspeaker manufacture, should we be focus on that only?  There should be a standard where we want to improve the sound only, not build something entirely new that doesn’t measure up to our current standards.

This is why we are focusing on building better loudspeakers having standards in how they should sound.  A Standard that should only be improve if more sound (larger speakers)is needed.  We want users how purchase our loudspeakers to experience the same level of sound that we hear in our listening room when listening to certain audio material.  

There will be three loudspeaker models that will features 8” drivers.  We think that 8” drivers reproduce the right amount of bass that is needed to fill small size rooms but can maintain the bass and dynamics from audio material that the loudspeakers are being feed with.  These speaker can also go into medium sizes without scarifying much of its sound , since large drivers are being used.

These retro looking speakers will give listeners  a wide range of listening environments such as monitoring, playback and entertainment.  Each level will offer  an increase in sound (step up from its pervious model) by its size and model design for small and medium size of rooms.

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3-4-2022  -    MINI AUDIO PLAYER!

11-4-2022 - This MID Bass Speaker Sets a Standard

3-26-2023  -    There must be a Standard

3-4-2022  -    MODVO App 2.7 is Here

8-16-2024  -    The quest for better sound

From the very beginning, we have always been looking foreword for ways to achieve better sound reproduction through our loudspeakers.  During those years, we have learned to appreciate music and the work that is involved in it when compositions are composed.  And what the artist attended for you to hear in their live performance ar exactly what he or she heard in the recording, whether it's in the studio or performed live on the stage.  Once the music is transfer to the media. Its the listeners job to recreate that audio experience.

And this is were the trouble starts.  Consumer level equipment is just that, for the consumer only.  Most audio equipment (consumer level) that is on the market today.  Most equipment lacks the sound that one needs in-order to experience the dynamics and realism that is in well recorded music or live performances.   One is left with inexpensive audio technology designed by some manufacturers, that is designed just to sell or attract buyers.

The root of that problem, stems from individuals that don’t have a passion for music.  Without the love and heritage for music, there is no inspiration to want more in-order to have better sound.

This is why we have dedicated ourselves to create loudspeakers that can accurately reproduce sound that is lost in conventional loudspeakers,

After designing so many loudspeakers for a number of years We realize that it is not about the loudspeakers, its about the MUSIC (always has been)!  Its about what he or she experience when one listens to there lack.  Its about how to listener is engaged in the music.  How the music draws the listener to the actual recording.  To experience this, you must have speakers and equipment that is capable of delivering this sound.

3-26-2024  -    New LM Speakers in Work!

If there is one line of speakers that we have been working hard on, is the LM Speakers.  We feel that the LM Series will be the speakers that casual listeners and audiophiles will be drawn too.  These speakers will offer accurate sound reproduction that is very detail and open, but not overly harsh in any way.

What makes the LM speakers difference from our other lines of speakers, is the 3/8” mylar dome tweeter.  This tiny  tweeter is design to provide a huge sound stage and output which is clear, clean detail sound that is very natural.

There will be two models available, a compact monitor and a floor standing version.  We believe these two models will set a new standard in sound for us and a step closer to achieving better sound reproduction.

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